Who is 'chopped-liver'? A housewife or a working wife? Who is to be preferred? One-income or two-income marriages? This last forty years, we have promoted working couples while leaving single-income marriages to fend for themselves. It should be the other way around. Single-income marriages deserve support. I propose to replace child allowances with a HOMEMAKER ALLOWANCE. The strengthening of the family. And the restoration of middle-class society.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Anti-Feminist Psycho-Babble

1. Employment masculinises. A boy with a well-paid job gets a car, a girl, a house and a family. When you masculinise a boy, you get a man. When you masculinise a girl, you get a female eunuch. Frontline employment simplifies matters for boys but complicates them for girls. Young single men were always allowed a grace period as potential breadwinners: fast-tracked to maturity: allowed the high-paying jobs that properly belong to breadwinner males. Whereas young single women allowed high-paying jobs are fast-tracked to old maids: effectively sterilised.

A homemaker allowance won't finally resolve this or any other problem, but it should contain it. Recognition of the breadwinner and homemaker entity implies priority for breadwinners in the workplace, with homemakers taking part-time jobs. Quite how singles will be affected is obscure.

Single men in management and the professions were always expected to do voluntary work as a condition of employ-ment. That could be a rule. Young women dislike that extra workload. These things were always done unofficially.

2. Castration complex. Life consists in an urge to grow into full, upright, responsible adults; as opposed by an anti-life urge to shrivel back into stunted no-lives: what Freud called the castration complex. A most confusing name! It is essentially infantile in nature: confined to Number One. An infant has no awareness of anything not tending to it. As it grows up, it becomes aware of other existence. But what happens if it doesn't grow up? It denies the existence of things in their own right. Everything is what the infant thinks it is. It denies the essential difference between men and women, and between sex and masturbation. And the male orgasm of course.

3. Anal types believe in symbols. A twink will take his girl friend to a gay bar: He still believes in heterosexuality. He will have sex with his boyfriend while his girlfriend watches: He still believes in the symbol. He sees a young mother going to work with her kids in daycare, and thinks it's women's equality. He thinks a pokey one bedroom apartment is superior to a spacious studio, and pays as much for it! The market price for a 450 square foot one bedroom apartment is the same as for a 1000 square foot studio. Guess which the market provides! The corporations love them. Twinks rule!.

4. Twinks like women. In passing I have to say: It is not a sign of healthy sexual development for a man to like women, if anything, the opposite. A really straight man feels degraded if his wife has to work. He wants to protect and provide for his woman. Whereas a pimp puts his woman out to work. Government workers arranged jobs for their wives when women achieved 'equality', marginalising the alpha males.

Once you go down that line~that men like women~you end up ruled by the silliest twink on the block: who most defers to women, who takes the most garbage from women. He is the most heterosexual! We need an alternative concept of the relationship between men and women, based not on feelings but a division of labour. Which is not to say you can't have feelings as well.

The only people who are happy in a non-sexual male/female environment are twinks and their pre-sexual girl-friends. Everyone else wants men and women in reciprocal roles. We are re-structuring the workplace for the benefit of an immature phase, making maturity a liability.

5. Female eunuchs. 1-2% of live-births are sexually unfinished either as males or as females. They have a kind of ingrowing penis (Spare us the details!) and are usually classed as females. So some 3% of apparant women are more like 'female eunuchs' as they have been called. They cannot make it either as men or as women in a world of men and women. So whereas sane people want the male/female thing to work~Which is how I see the breadwinner and homemaker marriage: the essence of the male/female relationship~female eunuchs don't want men and women to succeed.

Any hint of gender denial is close to insanity. If a man dresses as a girl at Halloween, that's fun. But if he takes it seriously, he is whacko. Once you deny the complementary natures of male and female, each incomplete in itself, joined in a mutually beneficial supportive/dependant relationship, there is no end to the lunacy.

6. Our Anal Media. Simplest explanations are best. A mental age of sixteen is needed to appreciate the breadwinner and homemaker marriage; and the media have a mental age of six. Somehow the media are stuck in the 'anal' stage: Everything is Number One. And a breadwinner and homemaker are not two Number Ones. They do not seek completion individually but in a union. And that is outside the media 'box': The anal mind cannot fathom that concept.

To the infant brain, a breadwinner is one thing, and a homemaker another: like a librarian and a lion tamer. And the people most afflicted are those with the highest IQ's. Educated women's brains come to a halt when they think of an argument. Finished! The argument is the conclusion.

If there is a particle of validity to the concept of a breadwinner and homemaker marriage, then the entire Feminist proposition, as it has been touted by the media this last forty years, is a scam.

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About Me

The same age, height, weight and initials as Cassius Clay, your favourite great uncle was born a Capricorn in the Year of the Snake. (Am I ever wise!) He has a good honours degree from an ancient British university. If you believe in symbols, kneel! In reality he has a lower second BA in geography from Durham. You may rise! (I don't make the rules!) He dropped out in the late Sixties to write up an insight (because I couldn't take to any work routine) and spent his entire life on the project. It was quite unpublishable. It used the idea of a Dual Brain to hold together the conflict between symbol and reality, right and good. Pounded by the hammers of rejection, we came to conclude the best hope for mankind lay in a homemaker allowance. So blog it!