Who is 'chopped-liver'? A housewife or a working wife? Who is to be preferred? One-income or two-income marriages? This last forty years, we have promoted working couples while leaving single-income marriages to fend for themselves. It should be the other way around. Single-income marriages deserve support. I propose to replace child allowances with a HOMEMAKER ALLOWANCE. The strengthening of the family. And the restoration of middle-class society.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Part-Time Work

I envisage homemakers taking the allowance and part-time jobs. I can see 8 million Canadian women (and nineteen men) accepting the allowance, 6 million of them with part-time jobs. Why the opposition to part-time work?

I dropped out in the late Sixties to write up an insight, and spent the next forty years looking for a part-time job I could live on. Some hope! (I eventually found cab driving.) Huge numbers of mothers and housewives would prefer part-time work. Old age pensioners and people with disabilities. Students, artists and athletes in training. Hedonists (bums). Probably 70-80% of the adult population would prefer part-time work, or would appreciate the option. The corporations can only treat part-time workers as garbage. The unions just want to ban part-time work. Can we please talk sense and try to rationalise the concept!

India and China must not make the mistake made by the West in abandoning the nuclear family. No economy can provide everyone with a full-wage job. For the foreseeable future, most third world economies will be based on subsistence farming supplemented with some seasonal and part-time work; and it has to be rationalised. Economies need a low cost labour component; and the key to the solution is for homemakers to work part-time, their benefits (and status) being met by their bread-winner spouses. They are not an exploited, immoral lower class.

The West is stoking up this vast inferno of entitlement because working wives are allowed double pensions (OK and a few men) and then sucks in cheap immigrant labour to feed the flames. Well, let's try to develop an alternative.

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About Me

The same age, height, weight and initials as Cassius Clay, your favourite great uncle was born a Capricorn in the Year of the Snake. (Am I ever wise!) He has a good honours degree from an ancient British university. If you believe in symbols, kneel! In reality he has a lower second BA in geography from Durham. You may rise! (I don't make the rules!) He dropped out in the late Sixties to write up an insight (because I couldn't take to any work routine) and spent his entire life on the project. It was quite unpublishable. It used the idea of a Dual Brain to hold together the conflict between symbol and reality, right and good. Pounded by the hammers of rejection, we came to conclude the best hope for mankind lay in a homemaker allowance. So blog it!