Who is 'chopped-liver'? A housewife or a working wife? Who is to be preferred? One-income or two-income marriages? This last forty years, we have promoted working couples while leaving single-income marriages to fend for themselves. It should be the other way around. Single-income marriages deserve support. I propose to replace child allowances with a HOMEMAKER ALLOWANCE. The strengthening of the family. And the restoration of middle-class society.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

'You Are Our Masters...'

Just read Churchill and the Jews by Martin Gilbert. Some observations.

Churchill wanted Palestine to be given to Belgium after the First World War. He circulated a memorandum to that effect in March 1915. That must have been the first intimation Palestine was a plum ripe for plucking, and the Zionists would have to move fast if they were to get it.

The Jewish state of Israel was the personal creation of Winston Churchill to the most extraordinary degree. For twenty years after WW1 Churchill forced the British govt to honour the Balfour Declaration. Nobody else understood why Britain should risk so much for the Jews. What had they done for us? My surmise is, Churchill knew of a deal behind the Balfour Declaration: You get America into the war and we'll give you Israel. Nobody else knew about that deal, without which British policy was incomprehensible. No wonder our Jew-fried media make such a fuss about Churchill. He fathered Israel.

Churchill was not gay. He was not an athlete or artist. He was not possessed of an aristocratic fortune. He was not a career officer: He used the army to advance his career. Similarly his writing. He was not a culture vulture or a party animal or a loner. He was not middle class or proletarian. He had no circle with which he could identify. Belonging nowhere, he fell in with the Jewish bigshot financial crowd to an embarrassing extent. I had no idea Churchill was so personally involved with Jews, or that he received so many favours from them.

Martin Gilbert comes across as a loyal Jewish Brit: He has admirable reservations about the Americans. President Truman: 'The Jews, I find, are very, very selfish. They care not how many Estonians, Latvians, Finns, Poles, Yugoslavs or Greeks get murdered or mistreated as long as the Jews get special treatment. Yet when they have power, physical, financial or political, neither Hitler nor Stalin has anything on them for cruelty or mistreatment to the underdog...Put an underdog on top, and it makes no difference whether his name is Russian, Jewish, Negro, Management, Labor, Mormon, Baptist he goes haywire.' (My italics.)

Mindset is everything. Feminism, the Jews, the media, management, the 'corporations': They're all the same mindset. They're just a try-on. As I see it, they expanded into the vacuum created by the collapse of Protestantism, acquiring power without responsibility, and bloated into antisocial incubi. (See Castration Complex.)

The connection here with my central thesis may be a bit obscure. Anyone can see I am looking for a fight with the establishment crowd: Feminists, media, corporations and the Jews. I believe in decent society, and they don't! And most ordinary people dive for cover. They can't fight that line-up. They can't withstand Jewish/Feminist bullying. They lack the intellectual oomph. And my job is to provide that framework of history, philosophy and psychology. My tactic is to offer you the choice of battle on ground where you can't lose. You can win with a homemaker allowance. You can really hurt that anti-social line-up. It won't be Waterloo. But it could be Trafalgar.

Churchill said to Chaim Weizman at a private dinner on 8 June 1937, 'You know, you are our masters...'

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About Me

The same age, height, weight and initials as Cassius Clay, your favourite great uncle was born a Capricorn in the Year of the Snake. (Am I ever wise!) He has a good honours degree from an ancient British university. If you believe in symbols, kneel! In reality he has a lower second BA in geography from Durham. You may rise! (I don't make the rules!) He dropped out in the late Sixties to write up an insight (because I couldn't take to any work routine) and spent his entire life on the project. It was quite unpublishable. It used the idea of a Dual Brain to hold together the conflict between symbol and reality, right and good. Pounded by the hammers of rejection, we came to conclude the best hope for mankind lay in a homemaker allowance. So blog it!